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If you’re an advertiser, art director, editor, designer, or publisher, this is the right place!

Z Agency was born in Reggio Emilia in 2017 from the experience coming from a group that shared years in fields of publishing, graphics, buying and selling rights. In our work we have always come across with brilliant artists and interesting projects. That's why we created Z Agency, to find the right home for our artists talent and to help our clients find the best solution for their needs. 


Digital, watercolour, collage, portrait — our illustrators cover a wide array of styles, and you’ll always be inspired by what they create. Discover our illustrators’ latest work in the news section, and browse through their profile pages to find out more about them; you’ll discover a vast pool of talent and skill across numerous styles and genres.


Being selective about whom we represent ensures the work we provide is captivating and distinctive. This is why Z Agency is meant to be a sophisticated showcase that can accommodate on one hand a highly selected list of talented illustrators who stand out in the publishing market and beyond, on the other hand a list of complete book projects waiting for the publishing house perfect for them.


Z Agency works in order to combine its illustrators with the perfect project for them on the Italian and International markets.

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